I need to search entire hard drive [c:] on several computers [Windows] for a specific file name associated with and an application that could exist in different directories. Just looking for a ‘True or False’ output value.
I used this relevance for the analysis:
exists descendant whose (name of it = “tomcat.txt”) of (windows folder; folder “C:\Program Files”; folders of system folder)
exists descendant whose (name of it = “tomcat.txt”) of root folders of drive “c:Program Files”
But they didn’t work and the online ‘Evaluate Relevance’ errors with ‘The operator “windows folder” is not defined.’ or ‘The operator “descendant” is not defined.’
Having trouble getting it to work, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
You shouldn’t do this in relevance. That’s far too many folders to check in a relevance query, the query will either time-out due to the evaluation taking too long or may prevent the endpoint from responding altogether.
I’d suggest you use Bigfix Inventory for filesystem scans, and create a signature for the file you want to find.
Otherwise, create an action to do the directory search (with ‘dir /s /b’ or similar), save the output to a file, and read the file in an analysis.