Count of application

(imported topic written by vgbond91)

how to get the count of individual application installed in the network using relevance script,

i need to schedule a mail, if the installations of particular software (for example, winzip or adobe or windows exceeds 100 count).

should i write custom retrieve property for all the installed application seperately



(imported comment written by vgbond91)

i have written a relevance script for this

number of (exists “:\VPC32.exe”) > 1500

for symantec antivirus, but sadly when i create a schedule mail on web reports with this relevance expression it is just checking the relevance in only console system (count is 1), how can i compare this with entire network and generate mail when this becomes true , i need to compare the version of software too ,

does bigfix have any custom report , where i can feed the number of licenses i have and big fix lets me know whether i have exceed my quota or how many free licenses i have at my disposal

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi vgbond,

Soon we should have something to tell you regarding the ability to do all the things you are asking, stay tuned…

In the meantime, your relevance will always return “1” because it is interpreted as:

number of (true)

To do something like this, you would need to look at an existing property (like “Installed Applications - Windows” on the License and Inventory site):

number of values whose (it as lowercase contains “bigfix enterprise client”) of results of bes property “installed applications - windows” > 1500


(imported comment written by vgbond91)

Thanks Ben now the script is working fine, but i needed little bit more customization, i have created some groups on bigfix, can i further filter it down and generate alerts based on groups and also send the details of the system where the additional license is installed

also wanted to know, when the feature of license tracking reports and alerts will be available from Bigfix

thanks and regards


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Try this:

number of elements of intersection of ( member set of bes computer groups whose (name of it = “”); set of bes computers whose (exist values whose (it as lowercase contains “”) of results (bes property “installed applications - windows”,it)))

You would need to generate a report of the computers with their applications installed and use this trigger to send out the reports.


(imported comment written by vgbond91)

Dear Ben,

the solution is working perfectly fine. now our concern is we are not able to identify where the additional license is installed as the report being generated is exhaustive and is very difficult to find out the system

is there a way, where we can identify the system where the additional license is installed and send the details of the system along with the mail,

Thanks and regards

(imported comment written by BenKus)

There isn’t a great way to do differenced email reports… but here is something you could try:

Make a custom report like this:

Computers with installed:

<?Relevance ordered list of unique values of names of elements of intersection of elements of intersection of ( member set of bes computer groups whose (name of it = ""); set of bes computers whose (exist values whose (it as lowercase contains "") of results (bes property "installed applications - windows",it)))?>

And then you can set your alert to send you the numbered list of all the computer names (and potentially other properties) every time you go over the count.

Hopefully that gets you closer to your goal,


(imported comment written by vgbond91)

thanks for the reply Ben, just wanted little bit customization on this format can , what is the script to generate a report with following headings

Primary properties

“Application name” “Group name” "number of installation of the application for this particular group " “My count (hard coded value which i will enter)” then secondary property "computer names for this particular group "

if this can be achieved my head ache will be over, kindly help me out Ben

by the way, where i can learn about relevance script for generating reports and site properties

Thanks and Regards

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Try something like this:

<?Relevance trs of (td of "" & td of "" & td of (number of elements of it as string) & td of "" & td of (concatenation ";" of names of elements of it))of elements of intersection of elements of intersection of ( member set of bes computer groups whose (name of it = ""); set of bes computers whose (exist values whose (it as lowercase contains "") of results (bes property "installed applications - windows",it)))?> <?Relevance trs of (td of "" & td of "" & td of (number of elements of it as string) & td of "" & td of (concatenation ";" of names of elements of it))of elements of intersection of elements of intersection of ( member set of bes computer groups whose (name of it = ""); set of bes computers whose (exist values whose (it as lowercase contains "") of results (bes property "installed applications - windows",it)))?> <?Relevance trs of (td of "" & td of "" & td of (number of elements of it as string) & td of "" & td of (concatenation ";" of names of elements of it))of elements of intersection of elements of intersection of ( member set of bes computer groups whose (name of it = ""); set of bes computers whose (exist values whose (it as lowercase contains "") of results (bes property "installed applications - windows",it)))?>
Application Name Group Name Number of apps My Count Computer Names

Replace all values between “” with whatever you want… I didn’t test this and hopefully I didn’t make a syntax mistake.

More info about session relevance can be found at:


(imported comment written by vgbond91)

Thanks Ben

i got the report i wanted. there was slight syntax issue (there was intersection of intersetion), which i sorted it out and i also wanted computer names list wise, finally this code worked for me

<?Relevance (td of "App name" & td of " Group Name" & td of (number of elements of it as string) & td of "10" & td of (ordered list of names of elements of it))of intersection of ( member set of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "Group Name"); set of bes computers whose (exist values whose (it contains "App name") of results (bes property "installed applications - windows",it)))?>
Application Name Group Name Number of apps My Count Computer Names

Thanks again very much

(imported comment written by nazrul91)

How to grep report from bigfix

  1. report only display name user and what microsoft their used.