We have 10 masthead.afxm files scattered around in our test environment, and 6 masthead.afxm files scattered around in production. They all have different dates and different file sizes. What are the best practice regarding masthead.afxm?
What does ‘scattered around’ mean in this case? And is the question primarily around what masthead to use for Client installations?
The masthead on deployed Clients should stay up to date and in sync with the version on the BigFix server (even if you deploy with an older version of the masthead). However, if you’d like, you can certainly export the current/latest masthead from the BigFix Server: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSQL82_9.5.0/com.ibm.bigfix.doc/Platform/Installation/c_masthead_management.html