Copying/Pasting with Column Headers

(imported topic written by wnolan91)

When copying and pasting a list of computers from BigFix, we would really like to see the column headers being pasted as well.

(imported comment written by rad.ricka91)

Which reminds me - has anybody figured out which IS security setting it is that pops up the “Are you sure you really want to copy this info” message?

(imported comment written by brolly3391)

I second the motion - Column headers when cutting and pasting please?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Bill / Brolly33,

I would like this too, but we have a few issues with the implementation:

  • It is somewhat “unnatural” to copy the column headings. I can’t find any other application that does this.
  • Some people want the copy command tied to just the computer name. See
  • Some people want the current behavior.

We only have one copy command and so which behavior should we tie it to? Up until this point, the answer was just to keep it the standard windows copy command convention.

Would it be helpful to have a “right-click” option to copy with column headings but the standard copy command stays the same? If so, I can certainly put that request in.


(imported comment written by dgibson91)


Why not make the copy method configurable as a user preference? Otherwise a right click copy with headers option would be nice.

I think the console would be more user friendly if more features were configurable to the user’s preference.

(imported comment written by ChrisLandolfi91)

I would also love this feature.

Even as an “Export to Excel” type of option or button if need be.

(imported comment written by brolly3391)

Ben Kus

Hey Bill / Brolly33,

I would like this too, but we have a few issues with the implementation:

It is somewhat “unnatural” to copy the column headings. I can’t find any other application that does this.

Some people want the copy command tied to just the computer name. See

Some people want the current behavior.

We only have one copy command and so which behavior should we tie it to? Up until this point, the answer was just to keep it the standard windows copy command convention.

Would it be helpful to have a “right-click” option to copy with column headings but the standard copy command stays the same? If so, I can certainly put that request in.


  • Copy rows from a Microsoft Access table into Microsoft Excel to see this behaviour in a mainstream application. Also the SMS 200 console export to .TXT includes column headers.
  • I thought the other thread was talking about an addition to the existing right-click copy function instead of a replacement.
  • Current copy behaviour is good. Sometimes the headers are not wanted.

I like your alternative Ben,

Leave existing copy behaviour alone and add “Copy with Column Headers” to the right click menus.

An “Export to .CSV” (comma separated value) or a tab delimted .TXT file where the destination file included the headers would work as well.



(imported comment written by kwdobbin)

I too would like the column headings copied when copying from the console. A good example of this funtionality is Hyena Hyena prompts for the columns to copy.

The ability to copy column headings would save time when creating reports. The sooner the better!

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Seems like there is a consensus. It is now on the list for consideration for the next version, but unfortuntaly I can’t guarantee when it will be implemented.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Toad for SQL (and presumably Toad for Oracle) have this functionality as well. Given the quite long list of columns that I keep visible in my console, I would like this feature more than many others. I probably copy/paste a selection of servers out of the console more than anything else I do.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I’ll have to put down my support for this feature. Would be very useful. :slight_smile:

(imported comment written by jeremy_spiegel91)

I wrote a little program that finds an open BES Console and copies the computers that are selected in the computer list


the column headings. Check it out at

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

You just need to run this tool and it will put the computers you have selected in the BES Console into the copy buffer. There are a few limitations here:

  1. You can only copy from the main Computers tab computer list. You can’t copy from the computer lists in an analysis document for example.

  2. A right-click option won’t work for this tool. A single call to it copies all the computers to the buffer and the right-click option with multiple computers selected calls the executable one per computer. This ended up killing my computer with ~1K computers selected.

We’ll try to include this feature in the BES Console if possible.

(imported comment written by brolly3391)

Thanks Jeremy,

It works great. Since it is not usable as a right click tool from the console, I use a windows hotkey (CTRL-ALT-c) to invoke it. That way it feels like CTRL-C.

Now I can stop updating that silly XLS template with all the console columm headers every time I want to add columns or change their order in the console.



(imported comment written by mgelmer23)

A number of releases have come out since the last post. Any chance this feature is going to finally make it into v8?

(imported comment written by mgelmer23)

Nevermind. After more looking - found this:

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


A number of releases have come out since the last post. Any chance this feature is going to finally make it into v8?

Yes, this made it into 8.0 as the context menu option “Copy Text with Headers”. (Sorry for bringing this post back from the dead)

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I see it - this is so cool.