Hi Guys,
I do health-check for machines in my infrastructure and I have a fixlet which runs and generates health-check report in .pdf format stored on client machine. I have a fixlet to copy these files from client machines to big fix server - share catalog. This fixlet works only on windows client.
I need to have such solution for Unix clients too. I tried to change action script and put Unix commands, but it doesn’t work. Also I have no idea how to see health-check results in Bigfix console or web reports, I cannot find it anywhere - just .pdf files on clients.
I would really appreciate for your help.
This is my fixlet for Windows clients:
if {name of operating system as lowercase contains “win2012”}
waithidden cmd.exe /c copy /y “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__GTS__IEMHC\report*.pdf” “\IP_of_Share\HC_reports”