Copying files from clients to BigFix (share on bigfix server)

Hi Guys,

I do health-check for machines in my infrastructure and I have a fixlet which runs and generates health-check report in .pdf format stored on client machine. I have a fixlet to copy these files from client machines to big fix server - share catalog. This fixlet works only on windows client.

I need to have such solution for Unix clients too. I tried to change action script and put Unix commands, but it doesn’t work. Also I have no idea how to see health-check results in Bigfix console or web reports, I cannot find it anywhere - just .pdf files on clients.

I would really appreciate for your help.

This is my fixlet for Windows clients:

if {name of operating system as lowercase contains “win2012”}
waithidden cmd.exe /c copy /y “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__GTS__IEMHC\report*.pdf” “\IP_of_Share\HC_reports”

A better approach may be to use your fixlet to dump the raw results, then us an analysis to parse for the items you need. Use web reports to make your PDF based on the analysis.

Doing a copy like that is likely going to have permissions issues due to the agent running a local system.

But it works on windows clients, I have the issue with Unix clients. I mean I don’t know how to translate action script written for windows to Shell script for Unix and put it to fixlet. If anyone has any idea?