I am using the software deployment wizard and it sucessfully extracts the installation files and folders to the _Download folder on the local machine and the install runs sucessfully.
The install needs to reboot to finish the install. The problem is the _Download folder gets cleared out after the reboot so the install program cannont find the files needed to complete the install.
I guess there would be 2 solutions. Could someone tell me how to do either or both?
Method 1
1: Create a new folder on the local drive.
2: Copy all files and subfolders from the _Download folder to the new folder
3: Run the Msiexec from the new folder.
Method 2
1: Extract the Installation files to a folder other than _Download
The Fixlets generated by the new Software Distribution tool use a parameter:
// All SWD Files will go into a folder in the clients __BESData folder. This folder get cleared on every restart.
parameter "baseFolder" = "__Download\"
The key is then to cd into that new directory so your CWD is correct:
// Use .bat to set working directory to packages root, for setup command.
createfile until _end_
cd "{parameter "baseFolder"}"
"Setup.exe" /s
move __createfile run.bat
I think there might be a problem with the SWD “move” action. I’ve created a task with the SWD Dashboard and would like to change to a different “baseFolder”. That is I would like to run my install from a folder that I’ve created on the root of C:\ rather than the __Download folder.
I’ve modified the action as below:
waithidden cmd.exe /C md C:\Installs\Office
parameter “baseFolder” = “C:/Installs/Office/”
In my action I have 2 files and one big compressed file. The 2 stand alone files get moved into C:\Installs\Office OK as well as the files are are NOT in subfolders of the compressed file. However subdirectories of the compressed file are NOT copied to C:\Installs\Office and are left in the __Download folder.
It would seem that the “//move all the extracted files and folders to our new folder” does not actually included subfolders of compressed files!!
Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve filed a bug on it.
I think the action relies on the extract command to deal create the proper folders and place the files, however i believe the clients extract command can only extract things to the __download folder. You could probably work around this by not archiving your files… though something like office probably has too many separate files for that to be reasonable