Copying a network share to a local drive

(imported topic written by nono48)

We have an in house app that we need copied from a network share to the root of the C: drive. I have tried several methods to do this, but I can only get as far as getting the compressed file (the directory that needs to be copied has a few thousand files within it) to show up on a client’s _Download directory–but from there it won’t unzip and extract to the proper path. I don’t know if I’m over thinking this or not, but I think that file/folder copying should be very easy to accomplish with TEM–does anyone have any suggestions on how I can do this?

Also, we would like to be able to drop files onto a person’s Windows desktop with ease–has anyone done this?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

copy to root drive:

copy __Download+file.tmp+ c:\

take note: it’s a double underscore.

continue if {(size of it =


AND sha1 of it = "


") of file "



extract C:+file.tmp+

copy to desktop on XP:

copy __Download+file+ “c:\Documents and settings{name of logged on user}\Desktop”

copy to desktop on vista/7:

copy __Download+file+ “c:\users{name of logged on user}\Desktop”

(imported comment written by nono48)

It keeps failing to copy to the C drive. I have tried the syntax with and without the +. Am I missing some syntax?

Completed download http://1TKZ2F1:52311/Uploads/e3eec9c1a68d3a49dc8471fac3cfb57c3e33f170/iCommVergenceV12.tmp

Failed copy __Download+iCommVergenceV12.tmp+ c:\

continue if {(size of it = 128930386 AND sha1 of it = “e3eec9c1a68d3a49dc8471fac3cfb57c3e33f170”) of file “iCommVergenceV12.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract C:


wait __Download\msiexec /i /q “Microsoft C++ Redistributable Package (x86)\vcredist_x86.exe”

(imported comment written by ackerman)

Do not use the +, ChiChuan was just trying to denote the file name or maybe trying to italicize the file name. I would guess the problem is you are trying to copy something to the root of the C: drive which not a good practice and it might be limiting access. I would suggest trying to copy to a temp directory:

copy __Download\iCommVergenceV12.tmp C:\Temp

I would also suggest using the prefetch command as well to download the file and check the size/sha1:

prefetch iCommVergenceV12.tmp sha1:e3eec9c1a68d3a49dc8471fac3cfb57c3e33f170 size:iCommVergenceV12.tmp http://1TKZ2F1:52311/Uploads/e3eec9c1a68d3a49dc8471fac3cfb57c3e33f170/iCommVergenceV12.tmp

Then you can copy as seen above and run the extract command on the file:

extract C:\Temp\iCommVergenceV12.tmp

After that you can run the wait command, but remember to get the file path right:

wait msiexec /i /q “C:\Temp\Microsoft C++ Redistributable Package (x86)\vcredist_x86.exe”