Copy files between systems

I need to copy a file from a BES client to another BES client.
I can NOT leave a shared folder!
I do NOT have the software distribution module.

It’s possible? how?

BigFix isn’t a file transfer program, but we could drive the commands to one. What kind of protocol were you thinking of using?

The solutions I can think of are pretty complex. I don’t think this is a good use case.

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The protocol? I would like it to just go through 52311.

Use case:
PC1 is located in a remote and isolated location, there is only connection through the bes client that connects to a RELAY in DMZ.
SERVER1 is in a DMZ (same network as RELAY and without port problems) and there is only connection to PC1 through port 52311.

Is it possible to make that copy? Maybe I could use RELAY as an intermediary?


You can’t make one client talk to another over the BigFix protocol. What you could do is upload the file from one client to your root server, and then have the other client download it from there.

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It’s what I imagined I should do.
I am new to BigFix … how could this action be carried out? Is it possible to do everything in the same action?

No, not really, and this is really a case of a tool not being a good fit for what you are trying to do.

Read up in the Archive and Upload Manager for details on how to retrieve the file from one client.

Then on the Server you can move the file from UploadManagerData to wwwrootbes/uploads.

Then you can create a task to download the file from there to download it to the second machine.

A poor solution to the problem, and probably violates the intent of those firewall rules you mentioned earlier. You really need a file transfer mechanism outside of BigFix to do this effectively.


@jgstew, what do you think of a use case like this?


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This is the “best” solution:

You would use the archive manager to upload the file to the bigfix root server.

Then you can copy the file to the Uploads folder of the bigfix root server or similar, generate a prefetch for it, then create an action to download a copy the destination then copy it into the correct location.

much of this COULD be automated with the REST API and/or a bigfix server plugin, but it is not super straight forward. It wouldn’t be too hard to do this by hand in a rare circumstance.

This is an example of the first part of what you are looking for: bigfix-content/fixlet/Compress and Upload System Logs - Windows.bes at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub

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