(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Currently I have the following action to create a directory. The action completes successfully, but the new directory is not there. How do I specify this to create in the logged in user? Thank you
dos mkdir “%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\temp\test”
(imported comment written by wolverine23)
Try this, regards.
delete __appendfile
appendfile @echo off
appendfile md “%allusersprofile%\Local Settings\temp\test”
delete createfolder.bat
copy __appendfile createfolder.bat
waithidden cmd.exe /c createfolder.bat
(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)
That worked like a charm! Thank you very much.
(imported comment written by BenKus)
That way seems good, but as a note, you could do something like this:
dos mkdir “{expand environment string of “%25USERPROFILE%25\Local Settings\temp\test”}”
Note that I had to escape the “%” with “%25” to make them work inside a relevance string.