I am using BES Platform API ImportFile and ImportAction functions. The siteID for action site is -1995328322 but ImportAction takes unsigned int for siteID. Anyone know a workaround to this problem?
I am connecting to COM in Java using a COM-Java bridge which makes it even more difficult because Java does not have the type unsigned int.
I came across this post, but it doesn’t really help much in my case.
ImportAction takes a Site ID for the site of the Fixlet this action is sourced from.
So if you were creating an action from a Fixlet in Updates for Windows Applications you would need to get the ID of the Fixlet and Site. The Site ID can be acquired in the Console under the Manage Sites folder on the left side. If you right-click the header bar of the list you can select ID as a column to display.
There really shouldn’t be a need to use the ActionID for anything specifically. I think you might be able to use a ‘long’ in place of an ‘unsigned int’ to help with that problem.
In case this helps someone, the C# code that I use is as follows.
uint SiteIdU;
// The original unsigned SiteID that we got usually from Session Relevance String SiteIdInHex = Convert.ToUInt64(SiteIdU).ToString(
int SiteId = Int32.Parse(SiteIdInHex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); : : BESFixlet.Load(SiteId, FixletId, Username, Password);