Content Modification: Updates for Mac Applications published 2020-10-21

Content in Updates for Mac Applications has been modified.

New Fixlets:

Microsoft Office for Mac 2016 -Word 16.16.27 Available (ID: 16000344)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2016 - Excel 16.16.27 Available (ID: 16000345)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2016 - Power point 16.16.27 Available (ID: 16000346)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2016 - Outlook 16.16.27 Available (ID: 16000347)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2016 - one note 16.16.27 Available (ID: 16000348)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2016 - AutoUpdate 4.28.20101102 Available (ID: 16000349)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2019 - Word 16.42.0 Available (ID: 19000134)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2019 - Excel 16.42.0 Available (ID: 19000135)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2019 - Power point 16.42.0 Available (ID: 19000136)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2019 - Outlook 16.42.0 Available (ID: 19000137)
Microsoft Office for Mac 2019 - One note 16.42.0 Available (ID: 19000138)
Google Chrome 86.0.4240.111 Available - Mac OS X (ID: 83000012)
Firefox 82.0 Available - Mac OS X (ID: 20750014)
Firefox 78.4.0 ESR Available - Mac OS X (ID: 20750015)

Published site version:
Updates for Mac Applications, version {Published Version: 289}.

Reasons for Update:

A newer version of Microsoft Office 2016, Office 2019, AutoUpdate, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Firefox ESR has been released.

Actions to Take:
Gathering of the site will automatically show the updates made.

Application Engineering Team

The Google Chrome update is failing with an exit code 1 on the “wait /bin/bash -c “devname=’df … “ line. And Chrome is not being updated.

The error appears to be in the wait productbuild --component /private/tmp/Google /private/tmp/Google Chrome.pkg Line…
wait productbuild --component “/private/tmp/Google” /Applications “/private/tmp/Google Chrome.pkg”

However, Im also getting an exit code 1 on
wait /bin/bash -c “devname=df | grep Google Chrome | awk '{{print $1}'; hdiutil detach -force $devname;”

@Pete_F Thank you for the alert. It has been brought to the content team for diagnosis.

Here is the corrected Actionscript:

prefetch GoogleChrome.dmg sha1:3bd47fe423afdd74e20c4ae1f80c8801ad300394 size:95428159 sha256:e22596c46918ae7abad4d7c60d813d8302fb300bb37759893a4e7f0a2e763d1c

if{(exists process whose (name of it as lowercase = "Google Chrome" as lowercase))}
wait /bin/sh -c "kill {id of process whose (name of it as lowercase = "Google Chrome" as lowercase)}"

wait cp "{posix path of file "GoogleChrome.dmg" of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site}" "/private/tmp/"

wait hdiutil attach -quiet -noautoopen -nobrowse -private -mountpoint "/Volumes/GoogleChrome" "/private/tmp/GoogleChrome.dmg"

wait rm -rf "/private/tmp/GoogleChrome.dmg"

wait cp -r "/Volumes/GoogleChrome/Google" "/private/tmp/Google"

wait productbuild --component "/private/tmp/Google" "/private/tmp/Google Chrome.pkg"

wait rm -rf "/private/tmp/Google"

wait /bin/bash -c "devname=`df | grep \"Google Chrome\" | awk '{{print $1}'`; hdiutil detach -force $devname;"

wait installer -pkg "/private/tmp/Google Chrome.pkg" -target /

action may require restart

We also ran into issues with the relevance because of caching. Here is what we ended up using:
(version of client >= "") AND ((exists true whose (if true then ((name of operating system = "Mac OS X") AND (if system version >= "10.7" then version of client >= "8.2" else true) AND (architecture of operating system = "i386" OR architecture of operating system = "x86_64") AND (if exists property "in proxy agent context" then ( not in proxy agent context ) else true)) else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then ((system version >= "10.10")) else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then ((exists file "/Applications/Google") and ((string "CFBundleShortVersionString" of dictionary of file "/Applications/Google") as version < "86.0.4240.111")) else false)))

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