Content Modification: Patches for Windows published 2020-04-22

Content in the Patches for Windows site has been modified

Fixlets previously updated to recognize the setting “_BESClient_WindowsOS_BypassPendingRestartRelevance” have been corrected to avoid unintentionally evaluating to False if
"_BESClient_WindowsOS_BypassPendingRestartRelevance" was set to a value other than 1.

Note that “_BESClient_WindowsOS_BypassPendingRestartRelevance” does not exist by default and will not affect your devices unless you created the setting and explicity set it to a value other than 1.

Actions to Take:
Sync any baselines you may have created with Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2 fixlets from the Patches for Windows site.
Sync any baselines you may have created with the April 2020 security.

Published site version:
Patches for Windows, version 3529

Additional links:

Application Engineering Team
HCL BigFix

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