BigFix has modified content in the Updates for Windows Applications site.
New Fixlets:
- Mozilla Firefox (x64) 68.4.0 ESR Available (ID: 6081561)
- Mozilla Firefox (x64) 72.0 Available (ID: 6081562)
- Mozilla Firefox 68.4.0 ESR Available (ID: 6081563)
- Mozilla Firefox 72.0 Available (ID: 6081486)
Modified Fixlets:
- Google Chrome 79.0.3945.117 Available (ID: 14011137)
Superseded Fixlets:
- Mozilla Firefox (x64) 68.3.0 ESR Available (Superseded) (ID: 6081557)
- Mozilla Firefox (x64) 70.0 Available (Superseded) (ID: 6081556)
- Mozilla Firefox (x64) 71.0 Available (Superseded) (ID: 6081560)
- Mozilla Firefox 68.3.0 ESR Available (Superseded) (ID: 6081559)
- Mozilla Firefox 70.0 Available (Superseded) (ID: 6081480)
- Mozilla Firefox 71.0 Available (Superseded) (ID: 6081484)
Reason for Update:
- Mozilla has released a security update for Firefox.
- Google has released a security update for Chrome.
Actions to Take:
- None
Published Site Version:
- Updates for Windows Applications, version 1342
Additional Links:
Application Engineering Team
HCL BigFix