BigFix has modified content in the Updates for Windows Applications site.
New Fixlets:
- Notepad++ 7.6.1 Available (ID: 4001093)
Modified Fixlets:
- Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 Available (ID: 14011137)
Superseded Fixlets:
- Notepad++ 7.6 Available (Superseded) (ID: 4001091)
Reason for Update:
- Google has released a security update for Chrome.
- There is an update available for Notepad++.
Actions to Take:
- None
Published Site Version:
- Updates for Windows Applications, version 1204
Additional Links:
- Chrome Releases: Stable Channel Update for Desktop
- Notepad++ 7.6.1 & Plugins Admin enhancement
Application Engineering Team
IBM BigFix