Console don't show RedHat clients

Hi I’m installing ILMT version 9.2.5 on Linux Redhat 7.2
but when I tried to deploy agents to Linux machines, I can see only the
BigFix Server in the console. The BigFix platform version is

I tried to install the agent using a deployment tool and
using the tool from the console, in both cases I din’t see errors at
install but I can’t see the computers on the console.

When I installed the ILMT, I was used the all-in-one silent mode option

Any idea what I need to do?

Thanks in advance

First check on the computers that the BigFix client is running.

$ ps -ef | grep -i bes
root      2468     1  2 Apr11 ?        04:53:38 /opt/BESClient/bin/BESClient

And then check your logs to see if they connecting to the bigfix server. These are located in

$ sudo ls -lt /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/__Global/Logs/
total 228
-rw-------. 1 root root  7547 Apr 21 11:10 20170421.log