Console Custom Dashboard - StopAction - SuppressWarnings

Hi all,

Working on a BigFix Console Custom Dashboard, I call a function (from the wizards.js javascript provided in “…\BigFix Enterprise\BES Console\Reference\wizards.js”) named StopAction(actionID, options).

This function takes 2 arguments : the action ID of the action you want to stop, and options. If you do not provide options, you get a popup asking if you really want to stop the action.

I would like to get ride of this popup, because my dashboard will stop multiple actions and the end user to have to click “Yes” 10+ times.

In the wizards.js file, I can see that StopAction() will call StopActions(), which seems to look for option “suppressWarnings”, but I don’t know the syntax I should use to appropriately call StopAction with “suppressWarnings” option.

Anyone knowing how to do that?

Thanks in advance !


In the meanwhile, I created a function to silently stop an action. It uses the wizards.js

function StopOpenActionSilently(actionID) {
theSuppressWarningsFlag.innerText = “1”;

var idArray = new Array(1);
idArray[0] = actionID;

theStopActionIDList.innerText = MakeIDListFromArray(idArray);;
return (theStopActionSuccessFlag.innerText == "1");


But still very interested in any documentation (official or not, I don’t really care :sunglasses:) regarding all the javascript functions natively available.

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