Configure SNMP

(imported topic written by nicholas.williams91)

Is anyone aware of a method to use bigifix to set SNMP settings? Whilst I could use group policy, it only allows for the setting of READ ONLY strings and I’d like to use READ CREATE.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Nicholas Williams

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Nicholas,

Do you have any command line tools or scripts that could configure SNMP settings? If so, we can probably adapt it into a Fixlet pretty easily.


(imported comment written by nicholas.williams91)

Hi Ben,

Sadly not. I’ve been hunting around for a reg frag or a tool that will do this but have been unsuccesful. I was hoping the community might have had some previous experience in doing this?



(imported comment written by nicholas.williams91)


I’ve managed to get a reg frag that works, what is the best way to deploy it with bigfix? In particular, to get it to deploy silently. The reg file is called snmp.reg



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Nicholas,

Try the registry wizard (Wizards > Windows Registry Wizard). It will allow you to apply a .reg file directly.

If you want to attach the .reg file for others, I am sure someone will appreciate it.
