Conditional prefetch

Can I put prefetch command to an “if” condition? Specifically, I have two versions of a file, one for 32-bit systems, one for 64-bit systems. And I obviously need the correct version to download to the server. So can I do it like this?

if {architecture of operating system contains “64”}
prefetch name sha1:sha1 size:21270 sha256:sha256
extract name
if {architecture of operating system does not contain “64”}
prefetch name sha1:sha1 size:43974 sha256:sha256
extract name

Because now, when I take action on the task, it seems both files are downloaded to the server, according to what’s stated in the action summary.

Using this particular method, while the Root Server will cache both files, the endpoint will only download the file(s) per the conditional logic in the actionscript. You can confirm this via the Client’s log.