Concatenate string with parameter with BigFix action script

Hi all,
I would like to concatenate string with parameters and concatenate action script parameter with powershell file.
for example an action script I wrote and would like to make concatenation of the parameter named “contentInstallation” with any other string and with a powershell script content on my clients:

// Declare parameters and delete old files
parameter "contentInstallation" = "dotNET"
parameter "logFile" = "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\Logs\InstallLogFile.txt"
parameter "PSFile" = "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deployScripts\"&{parameter "contentInstallation"}"&"Install.ps1"
// delete {parameter "logFile"}
// delete {parameter "PSFile"}

// Create folders if not exists
dos if not exist "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy" md "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy" // Creates Bigfix folder if not exists for installation files
dos if not exist "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\Logs" md "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\Logs" // Creates logs folder for installation logging
dos if not exist "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\Scripts" md "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\Scripts" // Creates scripts folder for storing installation scripts
dos if not exist "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\Installs" md "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\Installs" // Creates Installs folder for storing installation reuqests files

createfile until _END_
set-executionpolicy -executionpolicy unrestricted -Force

new-item -itemtype file -path C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\&{parameter "contentInstallation"}&found.InstallSuccess

	$error | out-file {parameter "logFile"}
move __createfile {parameter "PSFile"}

runhidden powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File {parameter "PSFile"}

thank you all

You only need to use “&” to concatenate when you are inside of a relevance substitution; otherwise just use {}.
So this line I think should read
parameter "PSFile" = "C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deployScripts\{parameter "contentInstallation"}Install.ps1"

And later I think

new-item -itemtype file -path C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy&{parameter “contentInstallation”}&found.InstallSuccess

should instead read
new-item -itemtype file -path C:\windows\temp\BigFix_deploy\{parameter "contentInstallation"}found.InstallSuccess

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thank you so much.
you saved my day.
it works :slight_smile: