Computers Not reported

Hello Team,

Computers last report time in BigFix is today but still they are showing "not reported "when i took the blank action.

These are the new computers where agent has been deployed recently. I am not able to take any action as it shows “not reported” in BigFix console.

Any leads will be appreciated


I would start with client log and see what is happening there.


It looks like at least some of them have reported in today. I assume that is when you did your initial install?


Current Date: August 14, 2020
Client version built for RedHat 6 x86_64 running on sysname:Linux release:3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64 arch:x86_64
Current Balance Settings: Use CPU: True Entitlement: 0 WorkIdle: 10 SleepIdle: 480
ICU 54.1 init status: SUCCESS
Agent internal character set: UTF-8
ICU report character set: UTF-8 - Transcoding Disabled
ICU fxf character set: windows-1252 (Latin 1 / Western European) - Transcoding Enabled
ICU local character set: UTF-8 - Transcoding Disabled
At 04:02:22 +0000 -
Starting client version
FIPS mode disabled by default.
Cryptographic module initialized successfully.
Using crypto library libBEScrypto - OpenSSL 1.0.2r-fips 26 Feb 2019
Initializing Site: actionsite
Restricted mode
Processing Download plugins
Beginning Relay Select
At 04:02:28 +0000 -
RegisterOnce: Attempting secure registration with 'https://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/clientregister.exe?RequestType=RegisterMe&ClientVersion= server%3a52311&AdapterInfo=0a-3b-2e-20-bf-91_10.29.136.208%2f28_10.29.136.220_0&AdapterIpv6=0a-3b-2e-20-bf-91%5efe80%3a%3a83b%3a2eff%3afe20%3abf91%2f64_0’
At 04:02:29 +0000 -
Unrestricted mode
Scheduling client reset; Computer id changed to 6432287
Configuring listener without wake-on-lan
Registered with url 'https://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/clientregister.exe?RequestType=RegisterMe&ClientVersion= server%3a52311&AdapterInfo=0a-3b-2e-20-bf-91_10.29.136.208%2f28_10.29.136.220_0&AdapterIpv6=0a-3b-2e-20-bf-91%5efe80%3a%3a83b%3a2eff%3afe20%3abf91%2f64_0’
Registration Server version , Relay version
Relay does not require authentication.
At 04:02:30 +0000 -
Completed automatic client authentication key exchange.
Client has an AuthenticationCertificate
Created mailboxsite and marking to gather
At 04:02:31 +0000 -
Relay selected: bigfix server. at: on: IPV4 (Using setting IPV4ThenIPV6)
Client resetting
Unrestricted mode
Created mailboxsite and marking to gather
At 04:02:33 +0000 -
PollForCommands: Requesting commands
At 04:02:34 +0000 -
PollForCommands: commands to process: 1
Entering Service Loop.
Starting Service Loop.
At 04:02:39 +0000 - actionsite (http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Downloaded ‘http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/bfsites/manydirlists_2/__fullsite_0fe7ee75207aab55ebd41036f1da1b4e5fbe5b8f’ as '__TempUpdateFilename’
Gather::SyncSiteByFile adding files - count: 35
At 04:02:39 +0000 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘actionsite’ (version 1335) - 'http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite’
At 04:02:40 +0000 -
Site ‘mailboxsite’ is not yet available on selected relay. Awaiting notification of availability.
Successful Synchronization with site ‘mailboxsite’ (version 0) - ‘http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/mailboxsite6432287’
[ThreadTime:04:02:34] SetupListener success: IPV4/6
GatherHashMV command received.
Already have this version of site.
At 04:02:40 +0000 - actionsite (http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Relevant - Universal Properties (fixlet:3)
Relevant - Subscribe to Site (fixlet:2130719445)
Relevant - Subscribe to Site (fixlet:2130706433)
Relevant - Subscribe to Site http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite (fixlet:2131932869)
Relevant - (fixlet:4)
Relevant - (fixlet:5)
Relevant - (fixlet:6)
Relevant - (fixlet:7)
Relevant - (fixlet:8)
Relevant - (fixlet:9)
Relevant - (fixlet:10)
Relevant - (fixlet:11)
Relevant - (fixlet:12)
Relevant - (fixlet:13)
Relevant - (fixlet:14)
Relevant - (fixlet:15)
Relevant - (fixlet:16)
Relevant - (fixlet:17)
Relevant - (fixlet:18)
Relevant - (fixlet:19)
Relevant - (fixlet:20)
Relevant - (fixlet:21)
Relevant - (fixlet:22)
Relevant - (fixlet:23)
Relevant - (fixlet:24)
Relevant - (fixlet:25)
Relevant - (fixlet:26)
Relevant - (fixlet:27)
Relevant - (fixlet:28)
Relevant - (fixlet:29)
Relevant - (fixlet:30)
Relevant - (fixlet:31)
Relevant - (fixlet:32)
Relevant - (fixlet:33)
Relevant - (fixlet:34)
Relevant - Catalog Download (Version: 1312442.0) (fixlet:3839)
Relevant - Relevance Check for the Task/Fixlet: Force Reupload of Software Scan Results (fixlet:3570)
Relevant - Relevance Check for the Task/Fixlet: Initiate Software Scan (fixlet:3551)
Relevant - Relevance Check - Upload Software Scan Results (fixlet:2670)
Start monitoring action - Heartbeat Analysis (fixlet:2)
Relevant - LMT/TAD4D 7.x Agent Mapping (fixlet:2499)
Relevant - BES Relay Status (fixlet:2500)
Relevant - Environment Information (fixlet:2501)
Relevant - Installed Windows Applications (fixlet:2502)
Relevant - Software Scan Status (fixlet:2503)
Relevant - Scanner Trace Settings (fixlet:2504)
Relevant - Scanner Information (fixlet:2505)
Relevant - VM Manager Information (fixlet:2506)
Relevant - Installed UNIX Packages (fixlet:2507)
Relevant - Excluded Directories (fixlet:2508)
Relevant - BES Component Versions (fixlet:2509)
Relevant - BES Management Rights (fixlet:2510)
Relevant - Bandwidth Throttling Status (fixlet:2511)
Relevant - BES Relay Cache Information (fixlet:2512)
Relevant - BES Health Checks Analysis (fixlet:2513)
Relevant - Wake-on-LAN Analysis (fixlet:2514)
Relevant - License Overrides (fixlet:2515)
Relevant - Relevance Check - Upload Software Scan Results (fixlet:2713)
Relevant - Relevance Check for the Task/Fixlet: Initiate Software Scan (fixlet:3552)
Relevant - Relevance Check for the Task/Fixlet: Force Reupload of Software Scan Results (fixlet:3571)
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation NonTargetedFile optimization of /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/actionsite/Action 4267.fxf
At 04:02:40 +0000 -
ActionLogMessage: (action:2130706433) Action signature verified for Execution
ActionLogMessage: (action:2130706433) starting action
At 04:02:40 +0000 - actionsite (http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {sha1 of file “BES Support.efxm” of client folder of site “http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite” = “27bfdc5b60d589ae52a6b8d28a9dc5ca2a58f203”} (action:2130706433)
Command succeeded subscribe “BES Support.efxm” (action:2130706433)
Not Relevant - Subscribe to Site (fixlet:2130706433)
At 04:02:40 +0000 -
ActionLogMessage: (action:2130706433) ending action
Encryption: optional encryption with no certificate; reports in cleartext
Full Report posted successfully
At 04:02:43 +0000 - BES Support (
Downloaded ‘http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/bfsites/enterprisemirror_3_1431/__fullsite’ as '__TempUpdateFilename’
Gather::SyncSiteByFile adding files - count: 251
At 04:02:43 +0000 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘BES Support’ (version 1431) - '
ActionLogMessage: (action:2130719445) Action signature verified for Execution
ActionLogMessage: (action:2130719445) starting action
At 04:02:43 +0000 - BES Support (
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation SkipMessageFile optimization of Libraries.fxf
At 04:02:43 +0000 - actionsite (http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {sha1 of file “IBM License Reporting.efxm” of client folder of site “http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite” = “3044a4a4b7b5478ad64662ed335546e1d4ad2b86”} (action:2130719445)
Command succeeded subscribe “IBM License Reporting.efxm” (action:2130719445)
Not Relevant - Subscribe to Site (fixlet:2130719445)
At 04:02:43 +0000 -
ActionLogMessage: (action:2130719445) ending action
At 04:02:43 +0000 - IBM License Reporting (
Site level relevance is now: True for relevance '(if (name of it as lowercase starts with “win”) then (true) else ((name of it as lowercase starts with “linux”) OR (name of it as lowercase starts with “aix”)OR (name of it as lowercase starts with “hp-ux” AND ((architecture of it as lowercase contains “ia64”) OR (family name of main processor as lowercase contains “pa-risc”) OR (exists match (regex “^PA8[0-9]{3}(\s+)?$”) of (family name of main processor)))) OR (exists match (regex “sunos 5.(8|9|10|11)”) of (name of it as lowercase)) of operating system)) of operating system AND (if exists property “in proxy agent context” then ( not in proxy agent context ) else true)'
At 04:02:44 +0000 - IBM License Reporting (
Downloaded ‘http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/bfsites/enterprisemirror_4_137/__fullsite’ as '__TempUpdateFilename’
Gather::SyncSiteByFile adding files - count: 12
At 04:02:44 +0000 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘IBM License Reporting’ (version 137) - '
ActionLogMessage: (action:2131932869) Action signature verified for Execution
ActionLogMessage: (action:2131932869) starting action
At 04:02:44 +0000 - actionsite (http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {sha1 of file “ActionSite.afxm” of client folder of site “http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite” = “abd0e9bbcda565f02a7cd6eaf8593829be0cace4”} (action:2131932869)
At 04:02:44 +0000 -
FIPS mode disabled by default.
Cryptographic module already initialized.
Unrestricted mode
At 04:02:45 +0000 - actionsite (http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Command succeeded subscribe “ActionSite.afxm” (action:2131932869)
Not Relevant - Subscribe to Site http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite (fixlet:2131932869)
At 04:02:45 +0000 -
ActionLogMessage: (action:2131932869) ending action
At 04:02:46 +0000 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘actionsite’ (version 1335) - 'http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite’
At 04:02:46 +0000 - BES Support (
Relevant - Collect results of the Intel SA-00086 Detection Tool (fixlet:3171)
Relevant - Run Intel SA-00086 Vulnerability Detection Tool (fixlet:3172)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.5) (fixlet:2726)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.6) (fixlet:3030)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.7) (fixlet:3139)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.8) (fixlet:3213)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.9) (fixlet:3282)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.10) (fixlet:3453)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.11) (fixlet:3738)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.12) (fixlet:3779)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.13) (fixlet:4347)
Relevant - Install/Update IBM BigFix Client Deploy Tool (Version 9.5.14) (fixlet:4423)
Relevant - Install IBM BigFix WebUI Service (Version 9.5.14) (fixlet:4424)
Relevant - Import IBM BigFix version 9.5 public GPG key for RedHat RPMs (fixlet:3277)
Relevant - Install IBM BigFix Relay on Linux and UNIX (Version 9.5.14) (fixlet:4426)
Relevant - BES Component Versions (fixlet:204)
Relevant - BES Relay Status (fixlet:205)
Relevant - BES Management Rights (fixlet:212)
Relevant - Bandwidth Throttling Status (fixlet:218)
Relevant - Wake-on-LAN Analysis (fixlet:840)
Relevant - PeerNest Clients Status (fixlet:3666)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Relay Selection Controls (fixlet:154)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Enable Debug Logging (fixlet:157)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Download Throttling (fixlet:167)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: CPU Usage (fixlet:168)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Enable Auto Relay Selection (fixlet:292)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Lock Computer (fixlet:295)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Remove Arbitrary Client Setting (fixlet:310)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Encrypted Reports (fixlet:543)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Designate Wake-on-LAN Forwarders (fixlet:571)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Enable/Disable Dynamic Throttling (fixlet:605)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Client UI Minimum Analysis Interval (fixlet:651)
Relevant - BES Client Setting: Enable Command Polling (fixlet:688)
Relevant - Persistent Connection: Enable Client (fixlet:3663)
Relevant - PeerNest: Enable Client (fixlet:3664)
Relevant - TROUBLESHOOTING: Enable BES Client Usage Profiler (fixlet:361)
Relevant - Force BES Clients to Run Manual Relay Selection (fixlet:432)
Relevant - Switch BES Client Action Site Masthead - BES >= 9.0 (fixlet:1516)
Relevant - TROUBLESHOOTING: Reset the BES Client - BES >= 9.0 (fixlet:1976)
Relevant - License Overrides (fixlet:2293)
Relevant - Categorize MVS clients (fixlet:2303)
Relevant - Categorize RVU clients (fixlet:2304)
Relevant - Generate BigFix license tags (fixlet:2305)
Relevant - Categorize ClientDevice clients (fixlet:2306)
Relevant - TROUBLESHOOTING: Run BES Client Diagnostics (Linux/UNIX/Mac) (fixlet:655)
Relevant - TROUBLESHOOTING: Restart BES Client on RHEL/SUSE (fixlet:514)
At 04:02:46 +0000 - IBM License Reporting (
Relevant - Install Additional VM Manager Tool (OPTIONAL) ( (fixlet:84)
Relevant - Analyze the Relevance of a Fixlet or Task ( (fixlet:15)
Relevant - Add Targeting Exception to Temporarily Disable Scans ( (fixlet:30)
Relevant - Identify Computers on Public Clouds ( (fixlet:102)
Relevant - Install or Upgrade Scanner ( (fixlet:1)
Relevant - Download IBM License Metric Tool ( (fixlet:1001)
Relevant - Download the Disconnected Scanner Package for IBM i ( (fixlet:1005)
Relevant - Download the Disconnected Scanner Package ( (fixlet:1006)
Relevant - Scanner Information (fixlet:19)
Relevant - (Deprecated) LMT/TAD4D 7.x Agent Mapping (fixlet:60)
Relevant - Excluded Directories (fixlet:62)
Relevant - Identified Public Cloud Computers (fixlet:101)
At 04:02:46 +0000 - actionsite (http://bigfix server:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation NonTargetedFile optimization of /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/actionsite/Action 4266.fxf
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation NonTargetedFile optimization of /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/actionsite/Action 4265.fxf
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation NonTargetedFile optimization of /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/actionsite/Action 4264.fxf
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation NonTargetedFile optimization of /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/actionsite/Action 4260.fxf
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation NonTargetedFile optimization of /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/actionsite/Action 4259.fxf
BackgroundAdviceEvaluation NonTargetedFile optimization of /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/actionsite/Action 4258.fxf
Relevant - Install or Upgrade Scanner (fixlet:2777)
At 04:02:46 +0000 -
ActionLogMessage: (action:2777) Action signature verified for Downloads
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 04:02:47 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 04:03:47 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 04:12:51 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 04:17:28 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 04:22:52 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 04:32:54 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 04:32:55 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 04:42:57 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 04:48:02 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 04:52:58 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 05:02:29 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 05:03:00 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 05:13:01 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 05:18:02 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 05:23:02 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 05:33:03 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 05:33:04 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 05:33:27 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 05:43:06 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 05:43:07 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 05:47:42 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 05:53:08 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 06:02:56 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 06:03:09 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 06:03:10 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 06:13:11 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 06:18:23 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 06:23:12 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 06:33:13 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 06:33:29 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 06:43:15 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 06:47:34 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 06:53:16 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 07:03:00 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 07:03:17 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 07:13:18 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 07:18:14 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 07:23:19 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 07:23:20 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 07:33:21 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://bigfix server:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 07:33:22 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 07:33:27 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 07:43:23 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for 'http://:52311/bfmirror/downloads/2777/0’
At 07:43:24 +0000 -
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 2777)
At 07:47:40 +0000 -
Report posted successfully

“Please note that i have changed name of bigfix server”

@Divya, have you checked the BESFillDB service and BufferDir folder on the root BES server to ensure that the client reports are being processed and inserted into the BFEnterprise/BFENT database?

BufferDirFolder is empty . But i see the below errors in fillDB every month

“Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:42:13 -0700 – 1544 – FillDB Stop Requested.
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:43:55 -0700 – 1556 – FillDB version starting…
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:43:56 -0700 – 1556 – OpenSSL Initialized (Non-FIPS Mode)
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:43:56 -0700 – 1556 – Using OpenSSL crypto library libBEScrypto64 - OpenSSL 1.0.2r 26 Feb 2019
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:44:01 -0700 – 1556 – Unable to connect to database: Database Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. (08001: 2)
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online. (08001: 2)
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot open database “BFEnterprise” requested by the login. The login failed. (37000: 4,060)
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM’. (28000: 18,456)
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:44:11 -0700 – 1556 – Unable to connect to database: Database Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot open database “BFEnterprise” requested by the login. The login failed. (37000: 4,060)
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM’. (28000: 18,456)
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:44:21 -0700 – 1556 – Unable to connect to database: Database Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot open database “BFEnterprise” requested by the login. The login failed. (37000: 4,060)
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM’. (28000: 18,456)
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:44:36 -0700 – 1556 – Unable to connect to database: Database Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot open database “BFEnterprise” requested by the login. The login failed. (37000: 4,060)
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM’. (28000: 18,456)
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:44:52 -0700 – 1556 – Signature Algorithms: sha256, sha1
Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:44:52 -0700 – 1556 – Download Algorithms: sha256, sha1

Please note that BigFix server doesn’t have internet connectivity so we use airgap method to download the fixlets

Curiously, what is going on with that one? It looks like something may be stuck there and not be able to download. It is trying to download for over 3 hours.

You might consider stopping that action and see if that clears things up.



It was action for “installing scanner”. I just checked and there were few download errors there. I stopped the action.

I am also able to see multiple login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM’.

Do i need to check the permission of this user?

If you were able to actually cancel actions and take actions, you need to check that out, but I would expect it is eventually connecting to the DB.

Is it possible that these computers are not getting the UDP signal to “do something”?

If you were to stop and restart the BigFix client on one of these computers, does it then get the request to run the blank action?


Hello Mark,

Yes, after restarting the client, it started reporting and scanner got installed.

If they are consistently not reporting on new actions until the client is restarted, it is likely a firewall is blocking UDP/52311 from the Relay to the Client. See Troubleshooting Client Reponsiveness for a series of troubleshooting steps I’ve put together.

What operating system are the clients? We have content in the BES Support site to detect & correct host-based firewall for Windows and RHEL; I haven’t checked for CentOS or Ubuntu lately.

You might also consider Command Polling or Persistent Connections, also discussed in that post.


Hello Jason,

All are “linux enterprise red hat servers”. I was checking your post and my scenario comes under

“If the client is posting reports, the “Last Updated Time” in the console is updating, but the client does not process actions or report on new Analyses for a long time:”

However i do see that client logs contain " “GatherHashMV” message. Also, firewall fixlets are not relevant.

I have enabled the command polling. I will keep you updated.


I am having the same issue but its only on Linux clients. Also the action does run but its hours after I deployed it sometimes a day but the heartbeat check is working. All Windows clients (servers and Workstations) no issues. Called support they say its a performance issue, so I added 3 relays to reduce the load on the main server even though I wasn’t having any issues with windows client.

When you do a refresh now do you see it in the logs?

If you aren’t seeing it, that is UDP 52311 being blocked.

@Zoster63, can you provide a copy of the BESClient log from one or more of the Linux endpoints in question? Also, can you confirm that the software firewall on these Linux endpoints is either configured to allow traffic on 52311 or has been disabled?

Have you checked the steps at Troubleshooting Client Reponsiveness that is linked earlier in the thread?

Especially regarding GatherHashMV messages in the client log. You’ll want to ensure a firewall, or host-based firewalld, is not blocking the notifications from parent relay to child when new actions are taken.

What could be misleading is seeing the message immediately after a command poll or site gather from the client. You want to see the message within a few minutes of taking the action, not related to a relay select, site gather, or command poll.

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I agree. Even for me, when UDP 52311 is blocked, you may not be able to receive the resilts of any action immediately.

So @Zoster63 as you mentioned that action does run but hours after deployment. It must be UDP 52311 blockage.

Thanks @Divya @cmcannady @JasonWalker @Jared
It was a firewall blockage issue. I didn’t realized that Linux systems don’t automatically create a port rule for Bigfix traffic on UDP 52311, when the client is installed (Similar to Windows).
Ran this commands on all the linux systems
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule=‘rule family=“ipv4” source address=“” port protocol=“udp” port=“52311” accept’

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family=“ipv4” source address=“” port protocol=“udp” port=“52311”

Notice, I added the rule for the entire subnet were the main server and relays are. Otherwise, you will need to add individual rules for every relay and the main server (At least that was my experience).

Everything is Working now :sweat_smile: