Computer Remover Tool

Hello all,

I’m having a problem when running the Computer Remover Tool to clean the computers that aren’t reporting to the console within more than 7 days. I’ve installed on the main server and nothing happened, after looking at the log files, i saw that the account didn’t have permission on the data base, it was using a local account.

I did the task bellow to run the .EXE, i wonder how to “run as” this with the account with permission on database. Anyone?
waithidden “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\Applications\BESComputerRemover\BESComputerRemover.exe” -d bes_bfenterprise -u -p -A -t 1 -T 1 -b 1 -f -l

It worked when running the installer, on the CMD prompt running as the DB user. Remember the password can’t be open, must be encrypted.

While this can be executed via a Fixlet, as you’ve noted, it can be challenging (though doable in a secure manner) when having to pass credentials. Typically, the execution of the Computer Remover utility will be scheduled/configured via something like Windows Task Scheduler, which does allow you to specify credentials to be leveraged.

That said, note that as of 9.5, the Computer Remover functions are available via BESAdmin!

(also, note that the command line arguments you specify above would mark as deleted expired computers that are over 1 day old, rather than the 7 days you suggest is desired).

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