Computer name & Local Time Zone

sorry I’m a newbee
I’m trying to create a custom Web Report what returns the name of all computers and their local time zone.
I can’t find many examples and this is the best I could come up with.
it only puts the time zone on the last line, seems to use the local time zone of the machine viewing the report, not the machines in the report.

Example Custom Report A customized report, prints all computer names. CustomReport Custom Report IBM <![CDATA[
Computer Names
<?Relevance names of bes computers?> <?Relevance local time zone?> ]]>

Hi i’m a newbee also.
So want you want is the result of all computer name and their local time zone
- computer name & " " & (date (local time zone) of it) of now as String

thank you, in the end I created a property and set it to “local time zone” and referenced the property through the normal filter process.