Computer Model & Computer Manufacturer

Please help more than 1000 PC and laptop branded not reported in computer model & computer manufacturer

Sometimes manufacturer information is in a different location/different format so it’s not always consistent. I’ve seen this with Lenovo machines sometimes. I tend to use the following which gives me better results:


if (exists wmi) then (string value of select "Manufacturer from Win32_ComputerSystem" of wmi) else ("N/A")

Model Number

if (exists wmi) then (string value of select "Name from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct" of wmi) else ("N/A")

Thanks for reply i try to use this value

The console says “not reported” which means that those clients are not subscribed to that property, or they have not reported that property yet, or their report of that property was missed.

I would check client subscriptions and I would also send a Force Refresh to those clients.

@GwyndafDavies answer might help, but I don’t think it is the core of the problem here.

Also, in general I recommend using the SMBIOS inspectors to pull that data because it is more efficient and more cross platform, but @GwyndafDavies is correct that sometimes using WMI may give better results.

See Here: