Computer ID field in content reports

Hi there,

We would like to have the Computer ID field in content reports. How can that be done in BigFix Web Reports?

Thanks in advance.

Edit Columns, search for ‘id’

Thanks for the quick response!
This would however add the ID of the available patch not the actual computer ID, which is what we are after.

Ahh - OK.

You are into the realms of custom reports if the fields you want are not exposed in the standard report types

It may be easier to understand what you are after if you show us where you are and what you have. Is it the default grid (“Content” section or something?); is it a custom report; etc?

We’re trying to link a computer report with a content report. for the moment it’s ok to have two reports which we export to .csv

The computer name is not unique enough since we have to deal with duplicates and are looking for a unique ID.

We are aware that there is an API but fairly new to the topic in general.

Well, there is a way to create combined (custom) reports - they require knowledge of session relevance but there are plenty of examples both here and on, so you don’t have to produce two reports and merge them manually with ComputerIDs.

In case it’s useful to anyone, with the following relevance (which can be used in custom reports) we managed to have the computer ID linked to available security fixlets:

(id of it, source release date of it, category of it, source severity of it, (id of computer of it) of results of it) of bes fixlets whose (Category of it as lowercase contains "security" AND Source Severity of it as lowercase contains "critical" AND Applicable Computer Count of it > 0)