Computer Group exclusion


I have created a task to run with no End date for auto-deployment via service name and target is selected as all systems dynamically, But now we want to exclude a computer group “Exclusions” from that task. I have to stop the task and make the specific relevance that can exclude the “Exclusion” group but not able to make the correct relevance.

Please help

This depends how you have set the action in general…

If you used computer groups then you can select Dynamically Target by Property > All Computers > By Group and select the groups you want making sure to hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple.

If, instead, you are doing it by relevance of a specific service running (which I think you are) then I would create a custom computer group with the servers you want to exclude from the job and update the relevance of the action to exclude those servers

AND (not (exists true whose (if true then (exists setting "__Group_0_Group_Name_Here" whose (value of it is "True") of client) else false)))

thanks @FatScottishGuy below is the relevance that i will be using. Please let me know if this will be correct.

((name of it = “Win10”)) of operating system AND (not exists running service “servicename”) AND (not (exists true whose (if true then (exists setting “__Group_0_Group_Name_Here” whose (value of it is “True”) of client) else false)))

If this is relevance from the relevance tab in the fixlet I would use

name of operating system = “Win10” and not exists running service “service_name” AND (not (exists true whose (if true then (exists setting “__Group_0_Group_Name_Here” whose (value of it is “True”) of client) else false)))

FYI - this may be slightly wrong and there’s probably a better way of doing it but this is what I’d use