Computer data tab: Baseline Component Applicability

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)


I seem to have an issue in my environment, which support was able to replicate. While waiting for feedback from them, I wanted to post on here to see if anyone had simular issues.

When I select any computer, and review the information tabs in the work area, there is a tab called ‘baseline component applicability’. This tabs shows all the components of the baseline I have selected for that computer.

However, none of these components are showing as relevent (greyed out), even though the baseline is relevant.

I am unsure why this is happening. I am sure it was working correctly before, and fear I may have changed something to cause this. This tab is valuable to me, when working correctly.

Thank you for your time.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

This appears to be fixed in 8.1.551. (at least in my DEV environment)