Compliance Report

(imported topic written by cstoneba)

I’m trying to create a webreport that displays the number of computers that are applicable for a baseline. my problem is the report shows the number of relevant components of component groups of baselines, not the number of applicable computers.

(it as string & “,” & multiplicity of it as string) of unique values of values of results (bes property whose (name of it contains “blah”),it of applicable computers of source fixlets of components of component groups of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it and name of it as lowercase starts with “bs_name”))

(imported comment written by cstoneba)


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I’m not entirely sure of exactly what you are trying get here, but this will show you the name and ID of applicable computers of a baseline:

( name of it, id of it ) of applicable computers of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it and name of it as lowercase starts with 

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

i want a breakdown by OS of the unique number of servers that are applicable for baselines.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

anyone know how to do that?

(imported comment written by cstoneba)


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

can anyone help me with this report? the report runs, but it is giving off too many results, so I’m pretty sure there is something not written right.

(it as string & “,” & multiplicity of it as string) of unique values of values of results (bes property whose (name of it contains “City”), computers of results whose (relevant flag of it = true) of (source fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it) of components of component groups of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it AND name of it as lowercase starts with “baseline_names”)))

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Can you show an example of what you would like to see in the output?

Also what kind of input into the report. Is the baseline name hardcoded?

Do you want to see the applicable computers base on the baseline itself, or the components of the baseline?

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

I want to see the number of unique values of applicable computers of the baselines for each result of the property “City”. Yes, the baseline names are hard coded, the code I have provides output, but the number of results for each city is far too high.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Can you show us an example output?

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

City. # of applicable computers

Chicago. 10

NYC. 15

Miami. 20

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Here is an example statement for you. Hopefully you can use it.

(it & 
". " & multiplicity of it as string) of unique values of values of results from (bes property whose (name of it contains 
"City")) of computers of results of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it and name of it as lowercase starts with 

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

I get results, but too many computer results for each property result. For example, one result “Miami” shows “12” from your report, but I only have 2 computers with a result of “Miami” in my console. This is the same type of results I was getting with my original code above.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I missed a filter to pick up only relevant baselines.

But that will generate the same results from a statement that you already had earlier.

(it & 
". " & multiplicity of it as string) of unique values of values of results from (bes property whose (name of it contains 
"City")) of computers of results whose (relevant flag of it = 

true) of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it and name of it as lowercase starts with 

You should probably double check that

number of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it and name of it as lowercase starts with “baseline_names”)

is returning only 1 baseline.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

with my original code, i get a value of “16” for the results for “Miami”, “12” with your code. The value should be “2”, as that is the number of computers with ha value of “Miami”.

something’s still not quite right. Again, I’m looking for the number of applicable computers, not number of applicable fixlets.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

Hi Lee, any suggestions?

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Sorry that I don’t know why you are not getting the correct results.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

how do you do it in the Compliance by Computer Group report? I think i want something very similar for output, but instead of a list of servers, i want the servers broken down by a managed property.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

I’m almost there, tried going a different route of “bes computers” instead of “bes fixlets”. I get results, however I can’t seem to identify bes computers that have a relevant fixlet of the source fixlets of components of component groups of bes fixlets whose “blah”…, like i could when using “of bes fixlets”.

(it, multiplicity of it as string) of unique values of values of results (bes property whose (name of it = “OS”), bes computers whose (exists relevant fixlet whose (baseline flag of it AND name of it as lowercase starts with “baseline_name”)of it))

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

can anyone help me out here?