Compliance remediation Fixlet


I am looking for a Fixlet under win/RHEL CIS site which give me option to specify a value while taking action. I need at least 10-15 such Fixlet, kindly help.

Are you talking about BigFix Compliance product and the Checklists?

If so, After creating Custom Checklist - Creating custom checklists - On some of the Fixlets, on the"Description" you can modify the Checks - HCL Software 404 Page

Read more in the FAQ - Can I parameterize all checks - Frequently asked questions

If not already done, you need a custom checklist based on eg. CIS for RHEL checklist. Otherwise your checks will not be visible in SCA.
As next step I suggest to use “create custom content” Wizard from SCA Site to create a custom check.
Afterwards you can edit this fixlet.

In case of needing parameters this will be more tricky and is (in my opinion) an advanced task. Some older documentation can be found in : Wiki
as well as on
Or lookout for a still existing fixlet with parameter, export it and have a look at the .bes file (xml structure).
Playing around in a test environment will be helpful in any case.

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