Compare folders that are named numerically and choose the greater one?

(imported topic written by RP12)

How do you compare folders that are named numerically and choose the greater one?

I have this info, but want to know what the larger named folder is (which will constantly change) and how do I get rid of the “Definitions” folder in my output?

I think I can do the modification time of the folders, and then whatever is the newest would be the folder. Is there a cleaner way?

q:names of folders of parent folders of regapp “aqua.exe”

A: 6.0.317.63


A: 8.0.356.39

A: Definitions

I tried to seperate the larger one, and the result could vary from time to time, so I would have to constantly tweak my relevance.

q:names of folders whose (name of it > “8”) of parent folders of regapp “aqua.exe”

A: 8.0.356.39

A: Definitions

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

If the dataset does not defer much from what you have posted, this might work:

maximum of (it as version) of names whose (it does not start with “Definitions”) of folders of parent folders of regapp “aqua.exe”

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Here is another way:

maximum of (it as version) of names whose (exists (it as version)) of folders of parent folders of regapp “aqua.exe”


(imported comment written by RP12)


Thank you Lee

Thank you Ben