You are really close. The problem is you are trying to evalutate relevance in an action script outside of curly braces {}. The & operator will only work in relevance. Changing your syntax slightly will fix it:
// Run TcOfficeAuto.inf
wait “{pathname of system folder & “\Rundll32”}” advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection __Download\TcOfficeAuto.inf, DefaultUninstall,5
Direct DLL calls are usually very pick on their syntax.
To translate your original line directly would be like this:
{pathname of system folder}\Rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection TcOfficeAuto.inf, DefaultUninstall,5
I notice a couple of things. First you have added quotation marks in your relevance version but there are not quotes in the original. I assume that is to accomodate long file names. We can handle that. but I am not sure that the DLL can. You might need to move the .INF to a location that does not have white space in the file name.
I notice that there is a space between some of your commas and not between others. With all that said, I think the command line you are looking for is:
wait “{pathname of system folder}\rundll32” advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection “__Download\TcOfficeAuto.inf”,DefaultUninstall,5
Direct DLL calls are usually very pick on their syntax.
To translate your original line directly would be like this:
{pathname of system folder}\Rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection TcOfficeAuto.inf, DefaultUninstall,5
I notice a couple of things. First you have added quotation marks in your relevance version but there are not quotes in the original. I assume that is to accomodate long file names. We can handle that. but I am not sure that the DLL can. You might need to move the .INF to a location that does not have white space in the file name.
I notice that there is a space between some of your commas and not between others. With all that said, I think the command line you are looking for is:
wait “{pathname of system folder}\rundll32” advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection “__Download\TcOfficeAuto.inf”,DefaultUninstall,5
It worked! Thank you both for your advice. I not only fixed this issue, but can take what I’ve learned to writing other code. Its different from some other languages I’ve written in, but the same in other ways.