Command line problem

(imported topic written by mauricem)

I’m having a problem with a fixlet I’ve written that fails when a command line needs to be run. The original command line is:

%Windir%\SYSTEM32\Rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection TcOfficeAuto.inf, DefaultUninstall,5

I’ve parsed it our to what I thought was the Big Fix equivilent, but it still comes back as “failed”.

// Run TcOfficeAuto.inf
wait "{pathname of system folder & “\Rundll32”} & " advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection " & __Download\TcOfficeAuto.inf & “, DefaultUninstall,5”

Any ideas why? I’m guessing it has something to do with the part that refers to the inf file but I’m not sure.

Thanks in advance for your assistence.

(imported comment written by jessewk)


You are really close. The problem is you are trying to evalutate relevance in an action script outside of curly braces {}. The & operator will only work in relevance. Changing your syntax slightly will fix it:

// Run TcOfficeAuto.inf
wait “{pathname of system folder & “\Rundll32”}” advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection __Download\TcOfficeAuto.inf, DefaultUninstall,5

(imported comment written by brolly3391)

Hello mauricem,

Direct DLL calls are usually very pick on their syntax.

To translate your original line directly would be like this:

{pathname of system folder}\Rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection TcOfficeAuto.inf, DefaultUninstall,5

I notice a couple of things. First you have added quotation marks in your relevance version but there are not quotes in the original. I assume that is to accomodate long file names. We can handle that. but I am not sure that the DLL can. You might need to move the .INF to a location that does not have white space in the file name.

I notice that there is a space between some of your commas and not between others. With all that said, I think the command line you are looking for is:

wait “{pathname of system folder}\rundll32” advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection “__Download\TcOfficeAuto.inf”,DefaultUninstall,5



(imported comment written by mauricem)


Hello mauricem,

Direct DLL calls are usually very pick on their syntax.

To translate your original line directly would be like this:
{pathname of system folder}\Rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection TcOfficeAuto.inf, DefaultUninstall,5

I notice a couple of things. First you have added quotation marks in your relevance version but there are not quotes in the original. I assume that is to accomodate long file names. We can handle that. but I am not sure that the DLL can. You might need to move the .INF to a location that does not have white space in the file name.

I notice that there is a space between some of your commas and not between others. With all that said, I think the command line you are looking for is:
wait “{pathname of system folder}\rundll32” advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection “__Download\TcOfficeAuto.inf”,DefaultUninstall,5



It worked! Thank you both for your advice. I not only fixed this issue, but can take what I’ve learned to writing other code. Its different from some other languages I’ve written in, but the same in other ways.