(imported topic written by TyphonX)
Hello all,
I am attempting to inventory Storage Area Network attached disks on Windows hosts using BigFix relevance and am stuck. To correctly identify the disks and gather the information I am looking for, I need to pull information from the Win32_DiskDrive WMI object and from values in the registry. I am currently using the values I am pulling from the registry to filter my results but can’t seem to figure out how I can display the value of the key along with the values of the WMI property in the same fixlet. What I am aiming for is displaying the values of the Win32_DiskDrive WMI object (which I am currently able to do) along with the values of the “Identifier” key under “HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port x\SCSIbus x\SCSITargetID x\SCSILogicalUnit x” (which I am using to filter my results). Please excuse the format and output of the fixlet (I figure I’ll clean up the output once I get what I’m looking for).
Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated. Here is where I am at with my relevance.:
select objects (“Caption, DeviceID, InterfaceType, Model, Name, SCSIPort, SCSIBus, SCSITargetID, SCSILogicalUnit, Size FROM Win32_DiskDrive”) of wmi
(exists values “Identifier” whose (it as string contains “OPENstorage” OR it as string contains “SYMMETRIX” OR it as string contains “DGC” OR it as string contains “HITACHI”) of keys
"HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port " & following text of first “=” of
property “SCSIPort” of it as string
& "\Scsi Bus " & following text of first “=” of
property “SCSIbus” of it as string
& "\Target Id " & following text of first “=” of
property “SCSITargetID” of it as string
& "\Logical Unit Id " & following text of first “=” of
property “SCSILogicalUnit” of it as string
of select objects
“Caption, DeviceID, InterfaceType, Model, Name, SCSIPort, SCSIBus, SCSITargetID, SCSILogicalUnit, Size FROM Win32_DiskDrive”
of wmi as string
of registry
(exists values “Driver” whose (it as string contains “ql2300”) of keys
"HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port " & following text of first “=” of
property “SCSIPort” of it as string
) of select objects
“SCSIPort FROM Win32_DiskDrive”
of wmi as string
of registry
Please excuse this post if there is a similiar subject that has already been covered in the past.