Combine properties in excel connector

(imported topic written by bearandy)

We can use query wizard to choose what to list.


I select BES computer groups and can’t see the properties like CPU in BES computers.

I select BES computers and can’t see the BES computer groups name.

Could I combine the properties in BES computers and BES computer groups?

Thanks for answer!

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Sorry that is not available in the current version.

The BES Computer inspector does not have a property for Computer Groups,

and the BES Computer Group inspector does not traverse further into the properties of the member property.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


If you let us know what you need and in what format, we might be able to write a Relevance statement to get the data.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by bearandy)

Just client wants to see report not only computer names but also computer group names

We can see computer properties on webreport and just want to see that the computer names are in which group

I think they want to see the report like this

computer group name | computer name | CPU …

group1 A



group2 D


Thanks for your answer!

(imported comment written by bearandy)

computer group name | computer name | CPU …

group1 | A

| B

| C

group2 | D

| E

the format just messed up.

explain: group1 : ABC

group2 : DE

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

You can try this relevance statement to generate the report.

(item 0 of it, item 0 of item 1 of it, item 1 of item 1 of it) of (name of it, (name of it, cpu of it) of members of it) of bes computer groups

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by bearandy)

Thanks for your answer!

But if not only show CPU, but also other properties or analysis.

It seems can’t do it now.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

You should probably consider using Web Reports to get the information needed.

  • In Web Reports
  • Goto Explore Data -> Computers
  • Use the Filter to find the Computer Group that you are interested in
  • Use the Edit Column droplist to add properties that you are interested

Please see the attached picture as an example.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

However, since we have come far using the Relevance Language to extract data, here are some additional examples for you to consider.

Here is an example of a generic construct that can retrieve any properties.

Replace BIOS with the name of any properties you need.

The concatenation clause is used to format a property that might return multiple rows. For example more than one IP Address.

However, if the name of the property has duplicates, then we need to use Property ID instead.

See the next example.

( item 0 of it, item 0 of item 1 of it, item 1 of item 1 of it, item 2 of item 1 of it ) of ( name of it, ( name of it, cpu of it, concatenations 
"; " of values of results from (bes property whose (name of it = 
"BIOS")) of it ) of members of it) of bes computer groups

( item 0 of it, item 0 of item 1 of it, item 1 of item 1 of it, item 2 of item 1 of it ) of ( name of it, ( name of it, cpu of it, concatenations 
"; " of values of results from (bes property whose (id of it = (2147497463, 5, 1) )) of it ) of members of it) of bes computer groups

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by bearandy)

Thanks! It seems useful!

But how to find the Property ID?

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

The easiest would be to get the ID from TEM Console.

Menu -> Tools -> Manage Properties

There is a column for ID.

If you don’t see the column, right-click on the column headers to turn it on.

Lee Wei