I would like to explore the in BigFix 11 Platform (Patch 3). Could you please help us to understand the use case of it. Also, How we manage start\stop the VMs in AWS-managed machines using the cloud plugins.
It is now possible to start/stop/restart VMs on AWS, Google and Azure via BigFix
The BigFix cloud plugins now have the ability to manage the cloud instances using power commands.
It’s an extension of the BigFix Multicloud/Plugin server, which is an additional server that is given public cloud API access and it connects through them to retrieve data and initiate commands. Up until v11.0.3 the only command they were able to run is to install BigFix Client but now as of v11.0.3 it is able to do power management commands (start / stop / restart). In essence, assuming the necessary set-up with the correct permissions via the public cloud APIs are granted (the start / stop / restart do require the respective escalation of permissions - pre-v11.0.3 it was basic read-only rights just for data retrieval, now you do have to have permissions to start/stop/restart VMs as well as some more sneaky permissions - for example, our AWS volumes are all encrypted, so before we could perform “start” we had to have KMS permissions granted to unencrypt volumes) then it is running actions from the BigFix console against the proxy record of a device and then the plugin executes the respective action via the cloud api. At the end of the action the plugin server does perform metadata refresh to make sure its reporting latest state against the device.