Clientsettings.cfg question

Wondering if anyone has seen/experienced this issue with Bigfix.

The clientsettings.cfg file mostly works when deployed on a linux OS, but for some reason the “Area By IP Range” and “Location By IP Range” do not get set to value specified.

I know Linux flavors don’t always handle spaces in filenames/folders the best, so wondering if this is maybe the issue?


In my setup, running the wizard the following is inserted into the besclient.config file
[Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\Location By IP Range]
value = N/A
effective date = Wed,%2008%20Mar%202017%2015:03:22%20-0600

[Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\Location By Subnet]
value = Aixland
effective date = Wed,%2008%20Mar%202017%2015:24:43%20-0600

so the action does pop it in correctly.
The actual action script is :
setting “Location By Subnet”="{concatenation “, " of (unique values of (if (number of (subnet addresses whose (it as string != “”) of ip interfaces whose (loopback of it = false) of network) < 1) then “n/a” else preceding texts of firsts “:-:” of following texts of substrings ((it as string & “;-;”) of (subnet addresses whose (it as string != “”) of ip interfaces whose (loopback of it = false) of network)) of ((rope “” & “;-;Aixland:-:”) as string)))}” on “Wed, 8 Mar 2017 21:24:43 +0000” for client

so I would suggest that you run the wizard, leave it as a policy action for ALL COMPUTERS and let it add it for you once the client reports in to the main Root Server.

Dave L.

Just to be clear, based on your screenshot I think you are referring to the proper format for how to add something to the /var/opt/BESClient/besclient.config file (the file used to store the BigFix client settings).

The clientsettings.cfg file is a file that is used only once and only at the time of initial installation of the BigFix client in order to assign client settings to the client at the time of installation. In that case the proper format would be:


For example, this is useful when assigning a relay to a client at the time of installation so that the client first registers with a desired relay.


For the issue you are having, I would recommend using setting names that do not contain spaces in them.

Also the cfg file is not used on Linux/UNIX installs

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I’m hoping to change that in the future though so everyone can install the “same” way

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Happy days if (when) you can make it happen!