I upgraded to the latest version and after the upgrade, lots of clients are not communicating with the BES server.
Any ideas how to solve this?
I upgraded to the latest version and after the upgrade, lots of clients are not communicating with the BES server.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Yes, lots of ideas but it would be difficult to go over all of them here. You should open a support ticket or start reviewing the client logs.
After an hour 8 clients managed to communicate.
Perhaps I should just wait a bit?
Maybe so, it’s difficult to guess without any details of your setup.
If a client fails to connect to all Relays and the Server, with all default settings the client will assume it is disconnected from the deployment (like a laptop that has been moved offsite). If that’s happened, the client doesn’t constantly try to reconnect, by default it will try to reconnect every six hours (the default Gather Interval).
Of course that can be tuned but if you have some clients reporting now, you might just wait a bit longer. You could also try restarting the client service to check that some of your offline machines reconnect after the service restarts – if they do, then all is probably well and you just need to wait a bit longer on the rest.