I want to setup a relevance to change these values if one or more of them are false. I have the action working just fine and each of these runs correctly on their own, but run as a whole it does not work correctly.
I have tested other ways and contacted our tech rep but cant seem to get this to work.
Thanks in advance…
exists setting “__RelaySelect_Automatic” whose (value of it = “0”) of client OR
exists setting “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList” whose (value of it = “PAS”) of client OR
exists setting “_BESClient_Download_LimitBytesPerSecond” whose (value of it = “100000”) of client OR
exists setting “_BESClient_Download_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB” whose (value of it = “1000”) of client OR
exists setting “_BESClient_Inspector_DisableWMI” whose (value of it = “1”) of client
2nd try
((if exists setting “__RelaySelect_Automatic” of client then (value of setting “__RelaySelect_Automatic” of it != “0”) of client else false) OR
(if exists setting “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList” of client then (value of setting “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList” of it != “RETAIL”) of client else false) OR
(if exists setting “_BESClient_Download_LimitBytesPerSecond” of client then (value of setting “_BESClient_Download_LimitBytesPerSecond” of it != “100000”) of client else false) OR
(if exists setting “_BESClient_Download_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB” of client then (value of setting “_BESClient_Download_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB” of it != “1000”) of client else false) OR
(if exists setting “_BESClient_Inspector_DisableWMI” of client then (value of setting “_BESClient_Inspector_DisableWMI” of it != “0”) of client else false))
(exists values whose (it as integer = 0) of settings "__RelaySelect_Automatic" of client) or (exists values whose (it = "PAS") of settings "_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList" of client) or (exists values whose (it as integer = 100000) of settings "_BESClient_Download_LimitBytesPerSecond" of client) or (exists values whose (it as integer = 1000) of settings "_BESClient_Download_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB" of client) or (exists values whose (it as integer = 1) of settings "_BESClient_Inspector_DisableWMI" of client)
Also, when posting code on the forum be sure to use the “preformatted text” button, otherwise certain characters like underscores tend to get eaten.
Likely what is happening with your Relevance is that you are checking the Value of a setting that doesn’t exist and getting an Error. You can see that with the code @Sean provided, he is checking to see if the Value exists before comparing the Value of it.
Just for grins and giggles, Client Settings can exist without a Value existing for them. This happens when you delete a Setting. The Setting itself is not deleted, but the Value is, so you can end up with the following …
Exists Setting "AB" whose (not exists Value of it)
I’d write it something like …
(exists setting "_RelaySelectAutomatic" whose (Exists Value of it AND value of it = "0") of client) OR (exists setting "BESClientRegister_Affiliation_SeekList" whose (Exists Value of it AND value of it = "PAS") of client) OR (exists setting "BESClientDownload_LimitBytesPerSecond" whose (Exists Value of it AND value of it = "100000") of client) OR (exists setting "BESClientDownload_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB" whose (Exists Value of it AND value of it = "1000") of client) OR (exists setting "BESClientInspector_DisableWMI" whose (Exists Value of it AND value of it = "1") of client)
as with skinning cats, there are a lot of ways to write Relevance!