I am looking for a way to automate creating and populating a client setting on the machine.
What i want to do is loop through a text file and match up the service tag(dell computers) find the service tag in the console, then use the text file to for the PCShip date for each machine.
Right now the console just had the service tag. I would like to find a way to populate the PC ship date into the console from my text file.
Maybe there is a better way to do this? Basically i want a way inside the console to see when a computer is should be replaced based off of the date.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If you have this data in ServiceNow, check out the new integration we announced at BigFix and Service Now Setup
Otherwise, for this I would recommend the Location Property Wizard. It does a lot more than locations, any key/value pair works well in the wizard. You can paste in a spreadsheet of two columns, where the “key” would be service tag, the “value” would be the contract date, and use a relevance lookup to retrieve the service tag to find the keys.
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Yes look at the ServiceNow intergration if you are on Bigfix 10 and use ServiceNow where you have a complete view in your CMDB. If not i did something similare with the warranty of the dell PC and not the ship but you track that information in the console similar. Here is a guide on how to setup something like that with the location by subnet property @JasonWalker was suggesting. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bigfix-customizing-location-subnet-property-brad-sexton/