The backstory:
We are trying to create a property that defines a server’s region based on group membership. The groups are automatic groups based on the relay that the machines are reporting to. Some of these machines are servers that are not defined by a specific region. The non-region-specific servers are identified in automatic groups in a custom site.
The issue:
The following client relevance statement works for automatic group IDs that are in the master action site, but not for automatic group IDs that are in a custom site. When we include group IDs for automatic groups in the custom site, we get the following error:
Singular expression refers to nonexistent object.
if ( member of groups 123456 of sites ) or ( member of groups 654321 of sites ) then "Location_1" else If...
We have also tried:
if ( member of groups 123456 of site "Custon_Site_Name" ) or ( member of groups 654321 of site "Custon_Site_Name" ) then "Location_1" else If...
Is the relevance to address automatic groups in a custom site different than the relevance to address automatic groups in the master action site? what is preventing this code from working when applied to a group in a custom site?