Client deploy tool keeps returning Windows error 0x35


I am trying to use the Client Deploy Tool through BigFIx console to install BigFix Clients in some windows computers that our GPO couldn’t for some unknown reason.

But I tried many ways and it never works. I keep getting “Windows discovery failed for computer ' Windows Error 0x35: The network path was not found.”

I tried to perform some troubleshooting as described in:

Does “admin$” needs to be enabled on the target? because if I try to connect using \\admin$ most of the computers will not find this path.

How exactly the client deploy tool works?

Thank you.

Yes, for Windows targets there are several prerequisites listed at

The Client Deploy Tool is making a remote network connection to the target’s ADMIN$ share, copying files to it, and using RPC calls to execute the installer that it copied there. Doing these operations does require several prerequisites on the target machines, so the CDT may not be able to handle every configuration especially if the target machines are heavily locked down.