Choosing Private subnet range to deploy settings

Hi All,

I need to deploy direct download and disable the peer nest on the endpoints which are on private network (192.168, 172.16, 10.0.0) and made a relevance so that settings get deployed in a computer group only to the endpoints which have private IP address but I could see that settings have been deployed on Public IP address endpoints however I was expecting them to show up as not relevant to the action:-1:

Applicability Relevance

((exists subnet address of it) as string | β€œn/a” ) of (ip interfaces of network) whose (( subnet address of it as string starts with β€œ192.168.” or subnet address of it as string starts with β€œ172.16.” or subnet address of it as string starts with β€œ10.0.0.” ))

Please suggest if I am using right set of relevance to make only Private IP owned machines to be applicable to the action.
Thanks a lot.

This would also match the computers with more than one interface, if any of the interfaces are private.

To catch machines with only private interfaces try

Not exists subnet addresses whose (it does not start with "192.168." and it does not start with "172.16." and it does not start with "10.") of ip interfaces of networks

Edit: all of 10.x is private, not just 10.0.0.x

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Thanks a Lot Jason,

Thinking if I need to apply the setting other then private IP subnets then I should use the below as relevance and have the setting applied other way round

not (set of (β€œ192.168.”;β€œ172.16.”;β€œ10.0.”) contains (registration subnet address of client) as string)

Please correct me on this as well.
Thanks a lot.