Checking For A Value - Registry - HKCU

(imported topic written by Matt.Johnson)

I am trying to verify a program installation. We are running 8.2x and I am using Fixlet debugger as my domain account, as well as tried validating through the client, to no avail.

Here is my relevance:

Q: (exists keys “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\Security Baseline” whose (exists values whose(name of it = “1.7.0” AND it as string as lowercase = “1.7.0_25” as lowercase ) of it) of current user key of registry)

E: This expression could not be parsed.

Now, if I change to the following I get a False response (as seen):

Q: (exists keys “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\Security Baseline” whose (exists values whose(name of it = “1.7.0” AND it as string as lowercase = “1.7.0_25” as lowercase ) of it) of current user key (logged on users) of registry)

A: False

T: 0.061 ms

Yet, I know the key exists!

I have read, and re-read the documentation on this and can’t find my error. Can someone advise?



(imported comment written by brolly33)

you are close and on the right path:

Q: (exists keys “Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\Security Baseline” whose (exists values whose(name of it = “1.7.0” AND it as string as lowercase = “1.7.0_25” as lowercase ) of it) of current user key (logged on users) of registry)

(imported comment written by Matt.Johnson)

Worked great Brolly!

Thank you for you assistance.


(imported comment written by NYBFFellow)

Hello B! (brolly33)…

Can you please provide me a suggestion on this. I am trying to read a value from HKCU but not getting anywhere…


“Start Page”



“Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main”


current user key (logged on users)



This returns value just perfectly but its for my account of course…

value “Start Page” of key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main” of registry

Please help…

Thanks. Azi

(imported comment written by brolly33)


I would expect this to pull the information for your logged in user account, but only while you are logged on.


“Start Page”



“Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main”


current user key (logged on users)



When you are logged off, that registry hive is unloaded by Windows and not generally accessible. likewise if you are looking for this key for “other” user logins, they have to actually be logged in when the relevance query is executed (in an analysis or fixlet)

Because the BigFix/TEM agent runs as local system, when you use

value “Start Page” of key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main” of registry

you will get the value for the local system account which would be the same as:

value “Start Page” of key “HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main” of registry

So I am unsure of what value you are actually chasing.