check if bios password is set on DELL computers

Dear All,

I am new in bigfix and relevances. I want to check if bios password has been set on my dell computers.
I have installed dell command monitor on the computers.
I ran from a QNA session

Q: if (exists wmi) tehn (string values of selects “IsSet from DCIM_BIOSPassword where ElementName=‘BiosSetupPassword’” of wmi “root\dcim\sysman”)

But I am getting this merror message

E: The operator “wmi” is not defined.

Could you guide how I can achieve this with bigfix relevant?

Thks in adavnce for your support

Can you copy/paste your actual relevance? There are enough typos there that you should get a different message (misspelled ‘then’, and an ‘if-without-else’ clause)

Hi JasonWalker,

is it what you are looking for

boolean values of selects “IsSet FROM DCIM_BIOSPassword where ElementName=‘BiosSetupPassword’” of wmis “ROOT\DCIM\SYSMAN”

This script getting error, is we have any other script to check dell bios password enable or not