Check for gigantic files

Hello all,

Does anyone knows how to create an analyses that reads gigantic files on Windows and it’s folder??

Because of the way that the BES Client works, it’s not a good idea to use it to “scan” for files.
If you have a specific file you are interested in, or a specific folder, that’s easy and quick, but attempting to scan a drive for files “larger than x” can take a while since by default the BES Client only works 10 milliseconds before it releases control for 480 milliseconds. And, while it’s processing the relevance to find the large files, it isn’t able to do anything else.

What is the problem you are trying to solve? Maybe there’s a better way to approach the problem?

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Thanks for the response Tim.

We got some machines with small HD and we need to scan and maybe delete some unused files using BF. The client will do the analyses, but we need to scan first.

It would be recommended to write a small utility or VBS or Powershell to run on the endpoint. If you attempt to scan drives with relevance this will be very slow for the reasons @TimRice already pointed out

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Sometime ago I create a Fixlet for a similar request. this was using a third party utility from MS.

I just redirect the output to a File and the create an analysis to read the content. I found some limitations with PS because it was not deployed across all machines.

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