Changing default downlad directory

(imported topic written by dlong91)

Hello, is there a way to download a file from bigfix server with prefetch that puts it someother loaction rather than in the default dowwnload directory. For instance to the root of c:?

(imported comment written by wnolan91)

What I have done in the past is to use BFArchive to put all the files or one file in the *.TMP file - this method works great when you have a bunch of files, for some sort of installation.

  • To create the file,

BFArchive -a c:\folderwithfile(s) filename.tmp

  • To extract the files

BFArchive -x __Download\filename.tmp c:\somefolder

You can then download this file using prefetch and using BFArchive you can then export the file(s) to the directory of your choice. The Prefetch file will still exist in the normal BigFix folder in this caseā€¦ obviously you could alway do:

if {not exists file c:\filename}

Copy __Download\filename.exe c:\FolderNameWhereYouWantToStoreFiles

end if

if your question is you want to place all prefetch files in one location other then the BigFix Folders, that I will leave that to a GURU.