Changes to BigFix REST API V9.5.14?

We update our BF Server last week to the latest version(9.5.14) and we starting running on a specific situation.
We have automation to pull the Computer ID of new VMs deployed so we can perform further configuration through BigFix.

The script run a relevance query trough the rest API, similar to:

'https://bfserver/api/query?relevance=(ids of it) of bes computers whose( name of it = "NameOfMachine")'

I’ve noticed that any machine that got installed after the update are not returning results:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BESAPI xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BESAPI.xsd">
	<Query Resource="(ids of it) of bes computers whose( name of it = &quot;NameOfMachine&quot;)">

However, If I run the same relevance query from the Presentation Debugger in the BF console I get the computer ID.

Any machine installed before the upgrade is returning the property. So I wonder if there was a change introduced in the rest api that is blocking results from new devices.

Are you using the same operator account in both cases? I wonder whether the api user account is not being assigned operator rights on the new computers?

Yeah, I’m using the same operator with Master Operator Rights.

Do you mean that all computers report in the presentation debugger but only older ones to the same query using the RestAPI?
Have you tried using the same queries in Web Reports or using the standalone session relevance debugger?

Seems like you are correct… I don’t see any of those devices in Web Reports

That was the problem. For some reason the Web Reports application was not in sync with the BFEnterprise database after the update.

I restarted the services and waited for refreshing the data and now I’m able to pull the data without issues.

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