We have a requirement to change the Desktop Wallpaper/background using Big Fix. The wallpaper, which is a BMP file needs to be pushed on all machines, post which we would want to add a timestamp of the date on which the wall paper is changed (last change). The new wallpaper (BMP) file is usually released every 2 months, post which the relevance should check for the timestamp and the old wallpaper (maybe name), post which it should deploy the new wallpaper…
Is there any exisiting link/feed which someone can direct me to so that I can test the relevance and action in my environment?
Sure… you can use any mechanism you want: script, command line tool, 3rd-party tool… We don’t have pre-defined Fixlet content, but you can try to build it yourself, or you can ask our services team to build it for you (you can get a “Fixlet 5-Pack” so our team can build your custom Fixlets for you: http://support.bigfix.com/services/)