Change setting action - time stamp


Just noticed a weird behaviour.
I have sent 2 actions to change settings on back-up server and one of the relays. The weird part is that the timestamp is set one hour before the action was deployed - please note all devices are on the same timezone (ex, I have deployed the action at 10:30 - but in the action script I have the time of the setting at 9:30).

Why does this happen?

What is the exact value of the setting’s effective date? The time zone should be part of the value. It may be based on the machine running the console being set in a different time zone, or observing daylight savings time differently. The effective time should include the time zone offset from UTC.

For instance, supposed there were two consoles, one in Texas and one in Arizona, both sending an action at UTC time 15:00:00 today.
The Texas console is using Central Time (UTC - 6 hours) observing Daylight Savings Time, and would set the effective time as something like “Sat, 9/23/2017 10:00:00 -0500” while the same action sent at the same time from Arizona, also in Central Time but not observing Daylight Savings would instead show “Sat, 9/23/2017 9:00:00 -0600”.


All devices, including the one with the console are in same time zone.
A few examples:

  • action sent at 16:01 -> action script 20 Sep 2017 15:01:44 +0000
  • action sent at 10:35 -> action script 22 Sep 2017 09:35:14 +0000

There is a difference of exactly 1 hour.

So if the actionscript has a +0000 that is UTC/Zulu time and doesn’t include offsets. Your samples show UTC time so I’m trying to tell if your 16:01 compared to 15:01 has been converted by you to UTC or its the actual times?