Change Property of Stale Client

We want to take an arbitrary set of stale clients and change or set a Property we can use in Web Reports to filter them out of reports.

Since this is for stale machines, though, we can’t use an Action to change this–since the whole point is to make changes on clients that are not reporting in–right?

So what options do we have to work with stale devices?

Usually we’d do a filter on the built-in “Last Report Time” property. Like “Last Report Time”…“Less Than”…“30 days ago”

Therein lies the challenge: Not all clients older stale for X days+ are approved to be stale.

But we don’t want to just delete the approved ones, because BigFix also feeds our inventory system in lieu of doing it manually.

Ah, I see. You can’t update a property value for a computer directly.

This might be a good case for a Manual Computer Group. Manual groups are evaluated at the Console, not the Client. You can right-click computers and “Add to manual group”.

I haven’t checked, but I think Web Reports will allow to to filter out members of manual groups.


I can confirm Web Reports allows you to filter out based on manual group.

I recall there was also a custom ojo you could import to the console called the Adhoc Group Wizard that allowed you to paste a list a computer names that could then allow you to quickly create a manual group but I can’t for the life of me find a link to get that. I found this forum post but I can’t say for sure that its the right code of for the ojo.

You would import the ojo via the Debug menu (Ctrl-Alt-Shit-D) the use the “Load Wizard” option.

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That’s what I needed! Thanks gents, time to go play with my web reports.