Change default value of 14 for Password Complexety CIS RHEL 7

I wanted to modify the Fixlet (126579 Ensure password creation requirements are configured CIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 )
to use a minimum length of 12 instead of the default value of 14.

The relevance script does not seem to show any information about how I could replace he minlen from 14 to 12.
We are able to update the action script with the desired value but due to the relevance being incorrect, the machines are still showing non-compliant.

I am not finding “minlen = 12” in Fixlet (126579)

not exists 1 whose ((((((0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex “^\sminlen\s=\s*([1-9][4-9]|[2-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2,})\s*(\s+#.)?$") of it) of it, "^\sminlen\s*=\s*([1-9][4-9]|[2-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2,})\s*(\s+#.)?$", 1) of it) of files “/etc/security/pwquality.conf” and 0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex "^\spassword\s+(requisite|required)\\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s*(\s+\S+\s*)(\s+#.)?$”) of it) of it, “^\spassword\s+(requisite|required)\\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s(\s+\S+\s*)(\s+#.)?$”, 1) of it) of files “/etc/pam.d/password-auth”)) and 0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex “^\spassword\s+(requisite|required)\\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s(\s+\S+\s*)(\s+#.)?$”) of it) of it, “^\spassword\s+(requisite|required)\\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s+(\S+\s+)(retry=[1-3]|try_first_pass)\s(\s+\S+\s*)(\s+#.)?$”, 1) of it) of files “/etc/pam.d/system-auth”)) and ((((((((0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex “^\sdcredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s(\s+#.)?$") of it) of it, "^\sdcredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s*(\s+#.)?$", 1) of it) of files “/etc/security/pwquality.conf” and 0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex "^\sucredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s*(\s+#.)?$") of it) of it, "^\sucredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s*(\s+#.)?$", 1) of it) of files “/etc/security/pwquality.conf”)) and 0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex "^\socredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s*(\s+#.)?$") of it) of it, "^\socredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s*(\s+#.)?$", 1) of it) of files “/etc/security/pwquality.conf”)) and 0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex "^\slcredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s*(\s+#.)?$") of it) of it, "^\slcredit\s+=\s±[1-9]\s*(\s+#.)?$", 1) of it) of files “/etc/security/pwquality.conf”)) or 0 < number of ((it, (if exists it then concatenation “,” of substrings separated by “<!comma>” of it else it) of tuple string items (1 - 1) of concatenation ", " of substrings separated by “<!plural>” of concatenation “<!comma>” of substrings separated by “,” of concatenation “<!plural>” of (if exist matches (regex “<!comma>|<!plural>”) of it then error “Delimiter in string: <!comma>|<!plural>” else it) of lines whose (exist matches (regex "^\sminclass\s+=\s+([1-9][0-9]+|[4-9])\s*(\s+#.)?$") of it) of it, "^\sminclass\s+=\s+([1-9][0-9]+|[4-9])\s*(\s+#.*)?$”, 1) of it) of files “/etc/security/pwquality.conf”))))

You will need to change the regex, it’s not just checking that the password length is 14 but 14 or higher.

Thank you Richard for your help and support.