Change default .tmp upload location

(imported topic written by HTang91)

Is there a way to change the default location of where packages built with the Software Distribution Wizard are stored? I believe the path is “C:\Documents and Settings<username>\Local Settings\Temp”.

We have a relay machine that is setup with a 20gig C:\ and 200gig D:. The wwwroot folder resides on the D:\ and we would like to also use this space for Software Distribution packages.

Wanted to see if this just a configuration setting before we request a bigger HDD for this relay machine.


(imported comment written by JackCoates91)


that path only matters for endpoints that are receiving the package – the relay will store them in its cache directory.

BigFix Management > BES Component Management > Relay > Configure BES Relay to Use Different Drive.

(imported comment written by TommyG91)

I ran this task, and I’m seeing something weird. On my original C drive, the wwwroot folder was using about 1.4G. of space. After the move, the new drive wwwroot folder is using 8GIG!

What’s up?